1. Only trained operators may implement advice from PC Controls
Any advice or direction given by representatives of PC Controls over the phone or via remote Ethernet connection is given with the understanding that a trained operator is using the information and is taking all safety precautions required to avoid damage to the machine, tooling, or injury to personnel.
2. Customer is responsible for implementing changes safely
The customer receiving information from PC Controls agrees to take full responsibility for implementing any software, machine parameter, or hardware changes to your machine tool in a safe manner.
3. Actions performed by operators are effectively not supervised by PC Controls
PC Controls technicians are not able to see how the operator is implementing any changes or modifications and are unable to monitor if changes are being made in a safe manner, this is the full responsibility of the person physically operating the machine tool.
4. PC Controls is not liable for damages resulting from phone or remote support
PC Controls will not be held responsible for any damage to tooling, machine, or bodily harm in connection with any advice given over the phone or communicated via remote Ethernet connection.
If a customer is not comfortable taking advice over the phone for technical support with the above outlined risks, PC Controls will arrange an on-site service visit by an authorized technician to address any issues or concerns with a machine tool.